Start Up Checklist For Your Poly Processing Tank System
When assembling and installing your chemical storage tank system, there are several steps to the process. To help extend the longevity of the tank, Poly Processing put together a checklist for your startup.
Before Tank Startup
Before you add chemicals to your storage tank, you should confirm a few things about the tank and your storage method for the specific chemical. These suggestions include:
- Hydro test (water test) tank system for 24 hours before introduction of chemical. Remove all test water from tank to prevent reaction with chemical stored. Hydro testing the tank insures that the fittings, etc. are torqued down properly and have not loosened up during transport or installation. See page 9 of the Installation Guide
- Follow chemical manufacturer’s best practices for product being stored. Poly Processing has chemical information sheets on many standard chemicals as well as an Installation Guide. Please take time to read through these to make sure best practices are followed at all times.
- Confirm compatibility of tank, fittings, bolts and gaskets before filling tank with chemical. Poly Processing Company builds tank systems for specific chemical storage. Make sure the right chemicals are going into the correctly outfitted tanks.
- Obtain, utilize and retain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the chemical being stored. This is a double check to make sure the chemical specifications match the tank system specifications.
Tank Components Checklist
You’ll also need to ensure each component of your tank is ready to properly store your specific chemical.
- Make sure vent size is not reduced. Inspect vent lines for obstruction. Verify vent size is adequate to prevent over pressurization of the tank. Follow Poly Processing’s venting guidelines.
- Ensure flexible connections are installed on all lower sidewall fittings and that they are installed correctly. See pages 25-27 of the installation guide.
- Ensure there is adequate support of valves, piping and hoses and that support is installed correctly. Do not support heavy valves, piping, or hoses off of the tank itself. See page 24 of the installation guide.
- Ensure valves are installed as close to the tank as possible. Be sure valves can be easily accessed. This insures the greatest safety for the employee and the tank itself.
- Check ladders at top and bottom for stability and safety. See pages 28-31 of the installation guide.
Before You Begin Your Storage
Now that each piece of your tank is properly installed and ready to run, make sure you label your tank with the appropriate warning label for the chemical being stored. Do not remove Poly Processing’s general warning labels. Replacement labels can be obtained by contacting Poly Processing directly.
You can learn more about proper installation of your chemical storage tank by downloading our Installation Guide today.
- October 11, 2016
- Topics: Installation and Service
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