What's New: Fittings and Accessories

Why Polyethylene Tanks Are Ideal for Paint Storage

Poly Processing Company has established a close working relationship with a large, international name brand paint manufacturer. In doing so, we are able to provide customized solutions for large bulk storage tanks containing paint ingredients as well as finished paint products. In this article, we’ll examine this partnership with leading paint manufacturers.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

A Look At Chemical Storage Tank Expansion Joints

Chemical storage tanks expand and contract due to seasonal temperature variations, pressure changes from loading and unloading the contents within the tank, and vibrations from pumps during filling and discharge from the storage tank.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Chemical Storage Tank Seismic Restraints

Natural catastrophes can create significant and costly chemical storage tank damage. Earthquakes are a particular natural event that could lead to catastrophic risk, resulting in a complete failure of a chemical storage tank system.

Topics: Installation and Service, Fittings and Accessories

The Best Heat Maintenance System for Polyethylene Tanks

Maintaining the proper temperature of a chemical inside a polyethylene storage tank is often critical for safe storage. For example, sodium hydroxide and caustic soda need to maintain certain temperatures to prevent crystallization.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Choosing the Right Secondary Containment System: An In-Depth Evaluation of Your Options for Safe Storage

On January 9, 2014, a chemical spill fouled the water supply for thousands of West Virginians in the U.S. A hazardous chemical used for washing coal called 4-methylcyclohexane methanol, or “crude MCHM,” leaked from an industrial facility into the Elk River near Charleston, West Virginia. The incident could have been prevented if a proper secondary containment system had been in place.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Do You Need to Use Baffles for Tank Mixing Applications?

Mixing chemicals and other substances is a lot like mixing cake batter. A container is involved, as is a stand (or bracket) to support the mixing system. But, if you’ve ever made a cake, you know that you have to move the bowl around to mix all the ingredients. It doesn’t work to stick the beaters down in the bowl and keep them in one place.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Creating a Leak-Free Seal With Poly Processing Tank Fittings

Rather than settle for the industry standard, Poly Processing redefines the standard by developing fittings and tank accessories that clearly address our customers’ needs. By analyzing industry requirements and working directly with our customers, we gain the insights to develop specialized products that address real-life issues in the field.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Poly Processing Innovation Series: The IMFO® Is a Better Full Discharge System

This is the second article in Poly Processing’s Innovation Series, where you’ll discover the many innovations that we have introduced to the chemical storage industry. One of the biggest challenges in vertical tank design is maintaining the tank’s integrity while still allowing for the tank to be fully discharged, cleaned, and properly maintained. Traditional tank maintenance can be a challenge with many chemicals — so Poly Processing Company has developed a unique full discharge system that helps minimize the hazards associated with traditional vertical tank maintenance.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

What's the Best Tank Mixing System for Your Chemical Tank?

Many industrial chemical applications use mixers to create products, keep chemicals in suspension, treat wastewater, or to dilute the chemical. Polyethylene tanks are well-equipped to handle that type of process, as most chemicals can be safely combined. In this article, we’ll discuss three basic types of mixing systems that are compatible with Poly Processing’s tanks.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Better and Safer Alternatives to Downpipes

When customers inquire about installing downpipes in Poly Processing chemical storage tanks, we strongly recommend against it for several important reasons.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories, FAQs