Why Polyethylene Tanks Are Ideal for Paint Storage

Poly Processing Company has established a close working relationship with a large, international name brand paint manufacturer. In doing so, we are able to provide customized solutions for large bulk storage tanks containing paint ingredients as well as finished paint products.

Why Polyethylene Tanks Are Ideal for Paint Storage

In this article, we’ll examine this partnership with leading paint manufacturers.

Oil-based paints are, in most cases, flammable. These paints are generally stored in properly grounded steel tanks or vessels. However, the majority of the paints manufactured and used today are water-based. These water-based paints can be safely and effectively stored in crosslinked polyethylene tanks. 

In fact, polyethylene is now a common and convenient packaging material for paint at both the retail and wholesale level.

Advantages of Crosslinked Polyethylene for Storing Water-Based Paints

Small_IMFO_TankCrosslinked polyethylene offers distinct storage advantages when compared to steel storage tanks or drums. The advantages of crosslinked polyethylene storage of paint are as follows:

  1. Chemically compatible — Water-based paints do not and will not permeate the material of a crosslinked polyethylene storage tank.
  2. No rusting — Compared to steel tanks, poly tanks are rust-free. No costly re-coating or re-lining of the tank is needed.
  3. Zero maintenance — As mentioned, no re-coating or re-lining of the tank is needed to prevent rust. Maintenance time and costs are eliminated. Using the Poly Processing IMFO full drain system, no residual paint will accumulate at the bottom of the tank. 
  4. Lower cost — Poly tanks are less costly than steel tanks at the initial purchase. They typically last longer than steel tanks (a poly paint storage tank generally has a useful life of over 20 years), and have the advantage of lower maintenance costs as explained in the points above.
  5. More environmentally friendly — The longer life means less tanks in landfills. Also, poly tank materials can be re-purposed into asphalt road filler or other products which need a robust filler material.

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Specialized Paint Storage Solutions

As partners with prominent name brand paint manufacturers, Poly Processing has developed best practices in bulk paint storage. Correct tank wall thickness, proper gaskets, fittings, and venting are built into every bulk paint storage system. In addition, seismic and wind restraint systems are available when needed. Poly Processing has the flexibility and expertise to custom design the proper bulk paint storage system to accommodate your needs. 

Contact Us To Make Sure Your Fittings Are Compatible With Your Chemical Storage.

Why a Side Manway Works Well for Paint Storage

There are times when, in order to adequately clean a tank on a regular basis, you may need a side manway installed. Because of the viscosity of paint, it can be very difficult to clean out the tank just by pressure washing the inside of the tank from above, leaving the end result less effective than required.








Our side manways are available in stainless steel and FRP and consist of three crucial parts:

  • The manway itself
  • The mechanical hardware used to attach the manway to the tank
  • The gasketing for sealing the manway against the tank and attachment hardware inside the tank

Download XLPE vs. FRP Guide

Stainless_Steel_Side_Manway_1 (1)Our heavy-duty flanged side manways are specifically engineered to meet long-term tank access needs, and they come with all necessary installation components. The mounting saddle on these high-performance manways is curved to match the tank's shape, ensuring exceptional sealing. 

  • The manway allows for more air to circulate during a confined space entry because there is a top and/or side ventilation option for harmful fumes.
  • Without a side manway, an employee must stand on top of a ladder to clean it or perform a confined space entry from the top.
  • The side manways are completely compatible with most paints and will not weaken the structure of the crosslinked polyethylene tank.

Tank Configurations Available

Poly Processing Company has a number of national paint manufacturer customers who are using the IMFO tanks for the manufacturing process and the storage of paint. In fact, Poly Processing offers several different tank configurations where the side manway is a viable option. The IMFO tank is available from 200 to 15,500 gallons, and the Sloped-Bottom IMFO Tank is available from 3,900 to 15,000 gallons.

Check out our Sloped Bottom Tanks with IMFO

If you are storing paint in a tank outdoors Poly Processing recommends tanks that are pigmented with carbon black, which block UV rays. If the tank requires mixers, that too can be accommodated. PPC can help you get in touch with mixers and help supply the appropriately equipped brackets and stands as necessary.

Do you have questions about bulk paint storage? Contact a Poly Processing storage tank system specialist.

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