Stainless steel has long been the tank material of choice for storage in the food and beverage industry. Historically, businesses have been hesitant to choose polyethylene storage solutions, believing the porous resins would allow leaching and bacterial growth.
One natural event that could potentially lead to catastrophic risk, resulting in a complete failure of a chemical storage tank system, is an earthquake. Earthquakes can happen in areas not considered earthquake zone, such as the August, 2011 5.8 magnitude tremor that rocked Virginia.
Fittings and Accessories,
Polyethylene storage tanks play an important role in municipal water treatment. Drinking, or potable water, originates from two sources: surface water, such as lakes, rivers, and reservoirs, or groundwater, wells or underground aquifers. This article will explore the five typical steps used in municipal water treatment and examine the use of polyethylene chemical storage tanks in treating water for domestic use.