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How Chemical Stress Can Lead To Polyethylene Tank Cracks

Topics: Value Added

Handle Storage Tank Over-Pressurization: Choose the Right Manway Cover

Pneumatically filled chemical storage tanks have the potential for becoming over-pressurized. Over-pressurizing a storage tank through repeated fill cycles can damage and weaken the tank sidewalls, resulting in stress cracks and premature tank failure. Proper tank venting is needed to prevent over-pressurization.

Topics: Venting

High-Density Cross-Linked Polyethylene Testing Standards Explained

High-density cross-linked polyethylene offers superior value for storing a wide range of critical chemicals. Gel level testing is the ASTM D-1998 method used to test the cross-link density of the polyethylene. The ASTM standard establishes a minimum for the percentage of cross-linked or polymer connected chains. This article and the downloadable technical bulletin will help to explain this standard.

Topics: Value Added

Storage Tank Bottom Drain Comparison: Choosing the Right Option

Having complete bottom drainage in a storage tank is key for safety and proper tank maintenance. Safely maintaining chemical storage tanks presents numerous challenges.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Lessons from the West Virginia Chemical Spill: Safe Chemical Storage Is No Accident

On January 9,2014, a chemical spill fouled the water supply for thousands of West Virginians. "Crude MCHM," 4-methylcyclohexane methanol used in washing coal and removing impurities, leaked from the Freedom Industries facility into the Elk River near Charleston, WV. In addition to the leak at the Freedom Industries’ chemical storage facility, Freedom Industries has since been cited for unsafe storage conditions at a second chemical storage site. Freedom Industries has subsequently filed for bankruptcy.

Topics: News and Customer Stories

Hydrofluosilicic Acid: Chemical Storage Tips

As a colorless, fuming chemical, hydrofluosilicic acid offers its share of storage challenges. Let’s explore these challenges, and the storage solutions of hydrofluosilicic acid.

Topics: Chemicals

Bellows Transition Fitting Installation Video Guide

The Bellows Transition Fitting provides secure yet flexible, fully contained SAFE-Tank® bottom discharge. An expansion joint is incorporated to allow the tank to expand and contract freely during loading and unloading. This fitting virtually eliminates damage from piping vibrations caused by pumps.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

FDA/CFR Compliance: Polyethylene Tanks for Food and Beverage Operations

Stainless steel has long been the tank material of choice for storage in the food and beverage industry. Historically, businesses have been hesitant to choose polyethylene storage solutions, believing the porous resins would allow leaching and bacterial growth.

Topics: Chemicals, Applications

A Brief Introduction to Poly Processing’s Rotational Molding Process

From pink yard flamingos to dump truck beds, and hundreds of other sized products in between, rotational molding is an efficient manufacturing process. Rotational molding is especially effective in the manufacturing of chemical storage tanks. Let’s look at the advantages of rotational molding, and the value Poly Processing can bring to you.

Topics: Value Added

Poly Tank Sidewall Fittings: What You Need To Know

Selecting the right sidewall fittings for a poly chemical storage tank is crucial. The proper fittings ensure optimum function and maximum life of the polyethylene tank. Proper sidewall fittings avoid tank leaks and spills. Selecting sidewall fittings purely based on cost can lead to an expensive mistake. Let’s explore the three types of sidewall fittings and when they should be used in tank configurations.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories