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The ASTM 1998 Gel Test: What Do The Numbers Mean?

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has four tests in place for cross-linked polyethylene tanks. All are intended to ensure that the tank’s materials and composition meet the safety standards necessary for operational chemical storage tanks.

Topics: Certifications and Standards

Considerations When Choosing Tank & Pump Combinations

We’re all well versed on how important it is to choose your chemical storage tank based on the specific chemical you’re storing. The same goes for the pump you choose. Just as there are different tank options better for one chemical or another, certain chemicals and the location of pump require pump design and selection by an expert. Your Poly Processing distributor has carefully been chosen to be a systems expert, capable of combining features of the tank with other fluid handling equipment such as the pump.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Transition Fittings: Ensuring Secondary Containment

Many people think that a double-walled storage tank provides a total solution to secondary containment within a chemical tank storage system. And, for the most part, that is true. A tank-within-a-tank, made from high-density cross-linked polyethylene can provide 110% containment. But, what about the fitting on the tank? Is that also contained? If a chemical storage tank system is configured the right way with a transition fitting, your tank is truly protected, and its integrity maintained, but missing the proper fitting can be an especially costly mistake.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Sensors from Chemical Injection: The Power of Leak Detection

Chemical leaks present major challenges on a multitude of levels. Not only do they indicate something has gone wrong, but they can cause damage to storage facilities, danger to employees, cost enormous amounts to fix and cleanup, and waste the chemical you’re storing.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Why Your XLPE Tank Needs An Antioxidant Interior

OR-1000™ is Poly Processing’s innovative system designed to offer a longer lasting solution to applications which require the storage of chemicals that have aggressive oxidation properties. As an option in your chemical storage tank package, it has a number of other benefits that can add longevity to the tank, help the system meet FDA requirements, save water, manpower, and more.

Topics: Tank Design and Materials

4 Things to Know About the Butterfly Valve

The butterfly valve, a lightweight but strong shutoff valve great for IMFO® drains, is easy to install and available in different materials and sizes. One of the many fittings available through Poly Processing, the butterfly valve can be a nice option for your chemical storage tank system.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Understanding Chemical Storage Terminology

Chemical storage comes with many parts and pieces that need to be understood. One aspect we are often questioned about are the terms that are new to customers as they’re designing a chemical storage tank system.

Topics: Value Added

How to Budget for a Chemical Storage System

If you have the need to store chemicals, you want your storage system to be safe, cost-effective and low-maintenance. A lot of manufacturers promise to provide all three, but there are things to think about when designing your tank system that impact the total cost. Things like capital up front costs for equipment, how the engineering of the configuration itself impacts your bottom line, and what long-term costs are associated with your chemical storage system.

Topics: Installation and Service, Value Added

Key Differences: Molded Full Discharge vs. Post-Production Insert

One of the biggest challenges in vertical tank design is maintaining the tank’s integrity while still allowing for the tank to be discharged, cleaned, and properly maintained. Some companies create tanks out of one substance and insert a flange, post-production, for drainage and discharge. This works fine, to a point, but there are other alternatives, like Poly Processing’s IMFO (Integrally Molded Flanged Outlet).

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Guidelines and Checklist for Proper Tank Design

Proper tank design is crucial to successful safe chemical storage. With over 40 years in the chemical storage industry, we not only offer the tank materials and technologies you need, we also offer the advice that is integral to choosing the right tank, tank materials, fittings and accessories that will properly serve your application.

Topics: Value Added, Tank Design and Materials