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How To Find and Use Chemical Storage Tank Drawings

When choosing and building a chemical storage tank system, design is a critical aspect of the decision. You need to know what your storage tank is going to look like and it’s exact measurements for a multitude of reasons, including designing placement of the tank, coordinating fittings, manways, and ladder placement. Neglecting to consider these factors could cost you an extensive amount of money in the long run. We ensure that this is an easy process for you by providing easy access to various types of tank drawings.

Topics: Value Added

How-To Store De-Icing Fluids for Aircrafts & Roads

De-icing fluid is an important substance that is used to break down ice and frost. It is used fairly frequently during the winters in the more northern states. One common substances used as a de-icing fluid is brine. In addition to brine, there are some slightly more complex chemicals used to complete the same task.

Topics: Applications

OSHA-Approved Fixed Ladders: Requirements & Safety Measures

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an agency of the Department of Labor, works to help employers and employees reduce on the job injuries, illnesses and deaths.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

4 Reasons You Need A Full Drain Tank System

Proper storage of chemicals involves the ability to completely drain storage tanks of all contained chemicals as part of a regular cleaning routine.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Why Plastic Water Tanks Won’t Work For Chemical Storage

Storing chemicals and storing water are two very different propositions. While you may save some money up front by using a water tank to store chemicals, in the long run this decision may end up costing you more than you think. There are a few critical reasons why you shouldn’t use water tanks for chemical storage.

Topics: Certifications and Standards, Fittings and Accessories, Tank Design and Materials

4 Poly Tank Dairy Applications for Cheese Production

From the cow to the final product, dairy production is methodical about ensuring the end user gets the best possible final product, safely. But just what steps does dairy go through to get milk products to their respective end states, that being possibly cheese or whey powder?

Topics: Applications

Fiberglass vs. Polyethylene Tanks for Wastewater Chemical Storage

When considering storage solutions for chemicals used in the wastewater process, two options available are fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) and polyethylene (“poly”).

Topics: Applications

Polyethylene Horizontal Storage Tanks: An Industry Perspective

While most of the storage tanks that we sell are vertical tanks, vertical tanks with IMFO, sloped bottom tanks with IMFO, and double wall SAFE-Tanks, we do offer several other options to customers. Vertical tanks simply are not the best solution for every circumstance. Let’s look into the three main reasons polyethylene horizontal tanks are a key part of a storage solution and then expand on the use of these tanks in their most popular industry: agriculture.

Topics: Applications, Tank Design and Materials

Napa Valley Earthquake: Lessons in Wine Storage Best Practices

Whenever an earthquake happens, the clean up leaves clues about safe storage of liquid materials. In 2014, a Napa Valley earthquake left winery operations with thousands of broken wine bottles and damaged and crushed storage tanks to clean up. Let’s take a look at what happened, best practices for wine storage, and how you can protect your wine stock from potential damage.

Topics: Applications, News and Customer Stories

Important Changes: Our XLPE Now Meets NSF Certification

Our goal is to continually update you of any and all internal changes that may affect your poly storage tank system. With that goal in mind, we have a few clarifications and updates on how we now meet NSF certification with polyethylene tank materials.

Topics: Value Added