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[Featured] ESE Magazine: Is Your Chemical Tank Manufacturer NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 System Certified?

Are you familiar with the latest updates to the NSF/ANSI 61 standards? We cover everything you need to know in our article featured in the June 2019 edition of Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine.

Topics: Certifications and Standards

Performance Under Pressure: Is Your Chemical Tank Wall Thick Enough?

If you want your polyethylene chemical storage tank to last for its full lifetime, you’ll need to make sure your tank has the right specific gravity rating. Every chemical has its own specific gravity, and it’s critically important that your tank is designed to meet the demands of the particular chemical you’re storing. Tanks that are rated too low can suffer from mechanical stress and early failure.

Topics: Value Added

The Science Behind Rotomolding & Manufacturing Stronger Tanks

Cross-linked polyethylene tanks withstand greater pressure, in part because of the rotational molding manufacturing process. Rotational molding is by far the best process to create a cross-linked polyethylene chemical storage tank.

Topics: Value Added, Tank Design and Materials

How to Keep Your Chemicals Cool When the Heat Is On

With some chemicals, it’s critical to keep them cool because they will lose their concentration when they heat up. Sodium Hypochlorite is a prime example of that. As it heats up, it starts to lose its strength, and it begins to release gas and free radicals. Its strength can diminish dramatically with heat and UV. So it’s important to keep the chemical as cool as possible from the moment it arrives at your facility. Other chemicals are similar—if they become too warm, they won’t perform as well as you need them to.

Topics: Installation and Service, Tank Design and Materials

What Do You Need for an Effective Clean-in-Place System?

Clean-in-place (CIP) systems are becoming more and more popular in the food manufacturing industry. The system design makes cleaning the interior surfaces of a storage tank and the lines going out of it more effective and efficient without having to enter the tank. They also allow for a thorough cleaning with less exposure to harmful chemicals or contamination of food and beverage mixtures. Many hazardous situations are safer because of CIP systems, but they require certain considerations to be effective. Let’s look at how to make your clean-in-place system most effective.

Topics: Chemicals

What You Don’t Know About Surfactants Can Hurt You

Surfactants are the corn syrup of the chemical world—they’re in all kinds of products you’d never expect. Most people know that surfactants are an active ingredient in detergents, but you can also find them in a wide range of cleaning products, wetting agents, emulsifiers (including motor oil), foaming agents or dispersants.

Topics: Tank Design and Materials, Chemical Storage

Can You Bury a Plastic Storage Tank?

Some companies need to place their chemical storage tanks underground because of space limitations, or for aesthetic reasons. Steel tanks and reinforced tanks are built to withstand the external pressure that is applied underground, but what about lightweight plastic tanks? While plastic storage tanks have many advantages over other tank materials, polyethylene is not the solution for underground storage. Here’s why.

Topics: Installation and Service, Value Added

Can I Use Handrails with a Polyethylene Tank?

Various types of chemical storage systems have handrails along the top of the tank, but Poly Processing tanks don’t. Polyethylene tanks can’t support handrails, and the tanks shouldn’t be walked on. The domed surface can be very slippery, and the plastic can become brittle over time and possibly crack under a person’s weight. So how do you safely inspect manways, check gauges, and service level sensors or mixers?

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

How to Choose the Right Manway Cover for Storage Tanks

When building your storage tank system, it’s important to not only carefully consider the tank itself, but also the fittings and accessories. An important part of your tank is your manway cover. Failing to understand the purpose and function of the manway can threaten the safety of your employees and result in leaks, tank damage, and environmental hazards. Let’s look at three things you should consider when choosing a manway cover. We’ll also introduce the best options for each consideration.

Topics: Venting

Why Are Water Treatment Plants Converting from Chlorine Gas to Bleach?

There are several types of chlorine sources that water treatment plants can use: chlorine gas, liquid sodium hypochlorite, or onsite production. Chlorine gas can be more cost effective, but a growing number of states are converting to bulk sodium hypochlorite or bleach. If chlorine gas is more economical, why would water treatment plants convert to sodium hypochlorite?

Topics: Applications, Chemical Storage