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Are Stainless Steel Tanks the Best Choice to Store Caustic Soda Outdoors?

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), also known as caustic soda or lye, is a common inorganic compound that is typically used as a strong chemical base. Sodium hydroxide is used to manufacture soaps, rayon, paper, explosives, dyestuffs, and petroleum products. It is also used in processing cotton fabric, laundering and bleaching, metal cleaning and processing, oxide coating, electroplating, and electrolytic extracting.

Topics: Tank Design and Materials, Chemical Storage

The Best of 2024 - Top 5 Chemical Storage Blogs

As 2024 comes to a close, we take a moment to reflect on the valuable insights shared in our chemical storage tank blogs throughout the year. From advancements in storage solutions to critical safety measures, our goal has been to equip professionals with the knowledge they need to ensure the integrity of their chemical storage systems.

Topics: Chemicals

Chemical Storage Tank Seismic Restraints

Natural catastrophes can create significant and costly chemical storage tank damage. Earthquakes are a particular natural event that could lead to catastrophic risk, resulting in a complete failure of a chemical storage tank system.

Topics: Installation and Service, Fittings and Accessories

The Best Heat Maintenance System for Polyethylene Tanks

Maintaining the proper temperature of a chemical inside a polyethylene storage tank is often critical for safe storage. For example, sodium hydroxide and caustic soda need to maintain certain temperatures to prevent crystallization.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories

Key Considerations for Designing a Chemical Storage Tank

Proper tank design is crucial to successful safe chemical storage. Purchasing a chemical storage tank isn’t just about selecting the right size — it is vital to design the proper tank configuration for the safety of your employees, the protection of the environment, and to leverage your investment.

Topics: Value Added, Tank Design and Materials

Safely Storing Sodium Hydroxide in Chemical Storage Tanks

Sodium hydroxide, also known as lye or caustic soda, is used to neutralize the pH of water in a variety of applications. Sodium hydroxide is produced by the electrolysis of brine or by reacting sodium carbonate with calcium hydroxide. The chemical leaves no residual color, is a high-strength product, and is available at concentrations of two to 50 percent. Most of our customers use it in 25 to 50 percent concentrations.

Topics: Chemicals

Safely Storing and Handling Peracetic Acid

Peracetic acid is a bactericide and fungicide that is used in the food industry and water treatment industry. It’s a potent chemical that must be treated with care and stored properly. Improper handling could be costly and result in personal injury.

Topics: Chemicals, Chemical Storage

Poly Processing Innovation Series: The Only Full System Approach to NSF/ANSI 61 Certification

This is the third article in Poly Processing’s Innovation Series, where you’ll discover the many innovations that we have introduced to the chemical storage industry. If you manufacture, sell or distribute water treatment or distribution products in North America, your products typically must comply with NSF/ANSI 61. NSF/ANSI 61 sets the criteria for water system components to protect health standards. It’s important that all components in water treatment meet the correct standards to ensure dangerous toxins aren’t leached. However, there is confusion about NSF-61 certifications, and that confusion could lead to purchasing the wrong product for your application. Let’s explore NSF/ANSI 61 and how to make sure your chemical storage tank system meets the necessary requirements.

Topics: Value Added

The Inner Workings of Chemical Storage Tank Venting Systems

Proper venting of a chemical storage tank system helps ensure safe operation and can also extend the useful life of the cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) tank. Poly Processing Company sees venting as one of the most critical parts of a safe chemical storage system. We also attach venting labels to tanks manufactured at our facilities to emphasize the critical importance of proper venting.

Topics: Venting, FAQs

Choosing the Right Secondary Containment System: An In-Depth Evaluation of Your Options for Safe Storage

On January 9, 2014, a chemical spill fouled the water supply for thousands of West Virginians in the U.S. A hazardous chemical used for washing coal called 4-methylcyclohexane methanol, or “crude MCHM,” leaked from an industrial facility into the Elk River near Charleston, West Virginia. The incident could have been prevented if a proper secondary containment system had been in place.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories