For over 50 years, Poly Processing has been known as the trusted leader in the chemical storage industry. We’ve earned a reputation for technological innovation, which is built on a robust knowledge of chemical storage engineering and manufacturing. Our new website is dedicated to sharing that expertise with our customers. Because the more you know about the chemicals you’re storing — and the tank systems you’re using — the better equipped you’ll be to protect your inventory, your workers, and your bottom line.
Tank Design and Materials,
Chemical Storage
Purchasing the wrong chemical storage tank could be a disastrous decision, so it’s critical to make sure you’re ordering a storage solution that can meet your specific needs. There are several important factors to consider when you design a polyethylene chemical storage tank for your particular application. Always start the configuration process with the chemical that is being stored, because the chemical’s properties influence the entire tank design, including fittings and accessories, thickness, and materials.
Chemical Storage
When companies come to Poly Processing, they aren’t just looking for the best chemical storage tank options. Our customers also trust us for some of the most reliable information in the industry. We’re dedicated to helping you store your materials safely and effectively.
Fittings and Accessories,
Chemical Storage
If your sodium hypochlorite chemical tank (or any tank, for that matter) is located outdoors, it’s exposed to the elements, such as sun, wind, and rain. Special considerations are recommended to protect the life of the chemical and the storage tank, especially from damaging ultraviolet rays from the sun.
Chemical Storage
Throughout the country, and even in the global market, the demand for chemicals has led to shortages of many raw materials. At Poly Processing, we’re seeing this occurring in several industries and geographical areas.
Tank Design and Materials,
Chemical Storage
Sodium hypochlorite, or bleach, is one of the most commonly used chemicals across all industries. But that doesn’t mean you should use a common chemical storage system to contain this aggressive oxidizer. Whether you’re using a bleach concentration of 0.8%, 6%, or 12.5%, sodium hypochlorite will attack your storage tanks more aggressively than most other solutions. Without the proper storage tank system, you could be looking at a tank failure in less time than you expect.
Chemical Storage
One of the biggest advantages of polyethylene chemical storage tanks is their flexibility. Polyethylene tanks expand and contract with hydrostatic pressure changes during loading and unloading and during changing weather conditions. While a rigid tank is more susceptible to cracking and damage over time, a flexible tank is resilient.
Fittings and Accessories,
Chemical Storage
The day you receive your SAFE-Tank chemical storage system is the most critical day in the life of your tank. Safe and proper installation isn’t difficult, but you have to pay attention. An improper installation can mean expensive or time-consuming problems down the road.
Installation and Service,
Fittings and Accessories,
Chemical Storage
Power plants rely on several important chemicals to generate energy and operate at peak efficiency. The most sensitive application areas are cooling and boiler water treatment, since a failure in either of these areas directly impacts the facility’s operations.
Chemical Storage,
Power Plants
Poly Processing tanks are used worldwide for water and wastewater treatment applications. We provide solutions to a wide variety of businesses and organizations that use tanks to store chemicals and other materials for water treatment.
Fittings and Accessories,
Chemical Storage