The day you receive your SAFE-Tank chemical storage system is the most critical day in the life of your tank. Safe and proper installation isn’t difficult, but you have to pay attention. An improper installation can mean expensive or time-consuming problems down the road.
Installation and Service,
Fittings and Accessories,
Chemical Storage
Poly Processing tanks are used worldwide for water and wastewater treatment applications. We provide solutions to a wide variety of businesses and organizations that use tanks to store chemicals and other materials for water treatment.
Fittings and Accessories,
Chemical Storage
Chemical storage tanks aren’t just for wastewater treatment plants. Poly Processing tanks are found in dozens of industries nationwide, from agriculture to manufacturing to pharmaceuticals and beyond. We work with almost any business that uses chemicals to design and manufacture the right storage tank system for each specific application.
Fittings and Accessories,
Chemical Storage
The oil and gas industry is one of the largest revenue sectors in the world, generating over $3 trillion each year. The United States is one of the top producers of oil, making it a critical industry to the country’s economy. Oilfields depend upon chemical solutions to ensure they continue steady oil production — especially as the oilfields age.
Fittings and Accessories,
Chemical Storage
Chemical storage tanks aren’t just for wastewater treatment plants. Poly Processing tanks are found in dozens of industries nationwide, from agriculture to manufacturing to pharmaceuticals and beyond. We work with almost any business that uses chemicals. We design and manufacture the right storage tank system for your specific application.
Fittings and Accessories,
Chemical Storage
Your double walled tank could be violating the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) without your knowledge — even if there’s nothing wrong with the tank itself. The CFR contains requirements designed to protect the environment from exposure to hazardous chemicals.
Fittings and Accessories,
Tank Design and Materials,
Chemical Storage
Poly Processing tanks are used worldwide for water and wastewater treatment applications, but our tanks are also found in dozens of industries as well. We’re able to work with and provide solutions to a wide variety of businesses and organizations that use tanks to store chemicals and other materials.
Fittings and Accessories,
Chemical Storage
When you design a chemical storage tank system, you have to consider the factors that impact the tank’s service life. Not only do you have to make sure that the tank material and fitting materials are compatible with the chemical you’re storing, it’s also important to consider the functionality of the tank — for example, how it responds to pressure. You need to know exactly how much pressure your chemical storage tank can safely handle. This is an issue for every chemical tank, no matter what material it’s made of. Fortunately, cross-linked polyethylene storage tanks have remarkable durability compared to many other materials. That said, you need to know your tank’s pressure limits.
Fittings and Accessories
For many industries and facilities, oxygen is bad news for some chemicals stored in tank systems. Often, when the storage material comes in contact with oxygen, the substance oxidizes and degrades, or it can dry out. In any scenario, coming into contact with oxygen means you’ve lost product — which translates to less revenue and costs of replacement. Tank blanketing helps prevent contact with oxygen, and Poly Processing is your partner for protecting your stored materials.
Fittings and Accessories
One of the most important design considerations of any chemical storage tank system is the use of flexible connectors and isolation valves. When paired correctly, these accessories will not only help ensure your storage tank’s longevity, they can also protect the tank from hinge points that cause dangerous leaks.
Fittings and Accessories