When storing a chemical, it is critical to be confident that your entire tank system is compatible with the chemical and is up to the task of providing safe storage. To help customers understand the compatibility of specific chemicals with our polyethylene tanks and accessories, we created our chemical resistance guide.
Technology Tips
When customers inquire about installing downpipes in Poly Processing chemical storage tanks, we strongly recommend against it for several important reasons.
Fittings and Accessories,
Purchasing a high-performance chemical storage tank is a significant investment for your company, and choosing the right tank for your needs isn’t always an easy decision. If you’re deciding between a fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) tank and crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) tank, be sure you understand the differences between them and know what to expect in terms of cost, maintenance, service, delivery times, and protection. FRP tanks are coated with an interior chemical resin. Their structural layer is composed of chopped glass fiber or filament-wound fibers and resin. XLPE is a thermoset resin specifically engineered for critical applications like chemical storage. Let’s explore seven important benefits of XLPE over FRP chemical tank systems. Evaluate these benefits thoughtfully as you select your next chemical storage tank system.
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The proper installation of the various chemical storage tank fittings is important to ensure safe tank installation and operation. Here is a short outline of installation best practices for the various fittings of Poly Processing chemical storage tanks. More detailed instructions can be found in Poly Processing’s Installation, Operation and Maintenance manual.
Fittings and Accessories
Chemical storage tanks for water treatment, wastewater treatment and industrial uses are available in three main materials of construction: polyethylene, steel and fiberglass. When selecting a chemical storage solution, several factors should always be important considerations — including ease of handling, installation, maintenance, resistance to leakage and lifetime cost. This article will explore the advantages of cross-linked polyethylene tanks.
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Crosslinked polyethylene, with its superior strength, lightweight durability, and cost advantages is the superior storage tank material choice for storing many chemicals. At Poly Processing, our goal is to make sure your chemical storage system is as robust and safe as possible.
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Poly Processing’s standard crosslinked polyethylene tank systems can withstand process temperatures up to 100°F — but that figure can be misleading, because there are different types of temperature to consider.
Tank Design and Materials
As the demand for rechargeable batteries continues to rise, battery recycling has become a crucial process for environmental sustainability. Battery recycling involves the recovery of valuable materials from used batteries, including lithium, cobalt, nickel, and other metals.
Chemical storage is a critical aspect of various industries. It is essential to ensure that your facility utilizes safe and secure containment of hazardous substances. Polyethylene chemical storage tanks continue to gain popularity due to their durability, resistance to corrosion, and cost-effectiveness. However, as your business grows and your storage needs increase, it’s necessary to consider when and how to scale up your plastic chemical storage tank capacity.
Customers often ask us how to safely dispose of a chemical storage tank once it has reached the end of its useful life. Although Poly Processing doesn’t offer tank decommissioning services, we can offer you guidance for proper chemical tank disposal.
Tank Design and Materials,