What's New by admin (Page 13)

What You Need to Know About Storing Firefighting Foam

Firefighting foam is commonly used at airports, hangars and other locations where hazardous fires can occur. The foaming agent used in the foam in most cases is a surfactant based chemical. Surfactants are compounds that lower the surface tension between two liquids, or a liquid and a solid. Dishwashing liquid contains surfactants—and like firefighting foam, it foams up when it mixes with water.

Topics: Chemicals

The Largest Crosslinked True Full Discharge Tank Available: 15,500 IMFO

For over 50 years, Poly Processing has been the industry leader in chemical storage tank innovation and manufacturing. Poly Processing has a lineup of six 13'- 9" diameter tanks. These tanks include the Vertical Tank, the IMFO® (Integrally Molded Flanged Outlet) Tank and the Sloped-bottom IMFO Tank. These tanks represent the best engineering and design in the tank manufacturing industry, and they are covered under PPC’s industry-leading warranty.

Topics: News and Customer Stories, Tank Design and Materials

Not Every Tank Manufacturer Meets ASTM Standards. Does Yours?

At first glance, most polyethylene storage tanks look pretty similar. It’s hard to tell the difference between a robust, well-designed tank and an inferior one. Over the years, we've found that many customers aren’t aware of the construction standards for polyethylene tanks, or they believe that all tank manufacturers follow the same standards.

Topics: Certifications and Standards

Judging the Performance of a Polyethylene Tank

While, at a glance, it’s impossible to gauge the life of your polyethylene chemical storage tank, there are many things to know and consider that will help you extend the life of your tank to its fullest potential. It is important to know that from the production of the tank, through installation, it is expertly manufactured with all of the right gaskets and fittings. After tank installation, it is important to have it inspected regularly to look for problems that could cause tank failure.

Topics: Value Added

Is Your Tank Built For Safe Chemical Storage?

Purchasing the wrong chemical storage tank could be a disastrous decision, so it’s critical to make sure you’re ordering a storage solution that can meet your specific needs. There are several important factors to consider when you design a polyethylene chemical storage tank for your particular application. Always start the configuration process with the chemical that is being stored, because the chemical’s properties influence the entire tank design, including fittings and accessories, thickness, and materials.

Topics: Chemical Storage

Six Essential Resources for Chemical Storage Success

When companies come to Poly Processing, they aren’t just looking for the best chemical storage tank options. Our customers also trust us for some of the most reliable information in the industry. We’re dedicated to helping you store your materials safely and effectively.

Topics: Fittings and Accessories, Chemical Storage

Building a Custom Chemical Storage System for Unique Chemicals

The Poly Processing chemical storage solution always begins with a thorough understanding of the chemical being stored. To design and recommend a safe, cost-effective chemical storage system, it's critical for our tank experts to ask the right questions and do the right research. This ensures that we properly understand the makeup of your chemicals and the potential reactions to various storage solutions.

Topics: Value Added

The Latest Advances in Removing PFAS from Water

PFAS continues to make headlines and cause concern because these compounds have been detected in drinking water supplies across the country. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry has determined that PFAS accumulation in the human body can have adverse health effects. In response, to provide Americans, including the most sensitive populations, with a margin of protection from a lifetime of exposure to PFOA and PFOS from drinking water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established the health advisory levels at 70 parts per trillion. In addition, the EPA has set a drinking water lifetime health advisory limit of 70 parts per trillion (ppt) for PFOA and PFOS. These are some of the lowest limits ever established for a contaminant.

Topics: Applications

Protecting Your Sodium Hypochlorite Chemical Tank From UV Exposure

If your sodium hypochlorite chemical tank (or any tank, for that matter) is located outdoors, it’s exposed to the elements, such as sun, wind, and rain. Special considerations are recommended to protect the life of the chemical and the storage tank, especially from damaging ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Topics: Chemical Storage

How to Save on Wastewater Treatment Chemical Storage Costs

It comes as no surprise that a new wastewater treatment plant can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Upgrading a plant can cost several million dollars as well. Yet, the chemical storage tanks that go into those plants are one of the least expensive items.

Topics: Applications